Home Sweet Home

Vision without action is merely a dream.
Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action changes the world .
Joel Arthur Barker

Dear Source Sangha,
Thanks to all of you for your kind and loving support for my recent journey.
I was so grateful to be able to share my blog with you and have each of you participate in the experience.

Because of limited access I have just today been able to read all of your replies. You have all touched my heart and enriched my journey so much with your thoughts and words. What great yogis you are!

My transition home has been physically very challenging. I’m hoping to be well enough to be back to teaching next week but still need much rest and recuperation at present time.

I look forward to sharing pictures, stories and practices with you soon.


One Reply to “Home Sweet Home”

  1. For this issue yeah, lots of Iyengar and YogaWorks (although there are others here too, like Norman Blair) but I’m plinnang on a whole range of material, so there will be many voices.

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