static1.squarespaceThe Global Mala is this Sunday September 20th.  Thousands of yogi’s from all around the world will gather to practice for peace, compassion and social activism. Joining together in a ” Mala”  or sacred circle, across the globe to support The United Nations International Peace Day.

Now more than ever, the energy of peace for all peoples and all nations is needed for our world.  A standing together in harmony of  black, white, young, old, from all countries, from all religions, for what unites us is much stronger than what divides us. Our humanity is a  socially responsive collective endeavor.  The practice of yoga cultivates compassionate, non judgmental awareness for self and others.  We don’t practice yoga and meditation to acquire that state of mind, but to express it in all our actions.  Peace is not passive, but an active demonstration of loving kindness.

Join us for The Global Mala as we actively practice the power of intention to cultivate and plant seeds of ahimsa or non violence in the world.  You never know what may grow from a small handful of seeds and a whole lot of Sun Salutations!

