The Beauty of Balance



We all feel it when life gets a little out of balance. A slight shift, or things just seem a little off. This subtle awareness is hard wired into our nervous system and subtle energy body. Our body is constantly seeking homeostasis simply defined “as the tendency to seek and maintain a condition of balance or equilibrium within its internal environment, even when faced with external changes.” 

As we age our relationship to balance becomes an even more important focus.  It is helpful to cultivate a strong sense of center to help prevent falls and broken bones that may result from them. Walking is an excellent exercise for seniors to help maintain strength and flexibility in the lower extremities and reiki can help also.

Balancing poses give us a unique opportunity to return to our internal natural state of balance by playing with the external changes of standing on one foot or bearing weight on our arms and hands in inversions, and challenges us to find equilibrium even as the world turns us up side down.  Two essential qualities to develop for better balance are alignment and awareness.

These two go hand in hand. As we focus on our alignment in balancing poses stacking the bones and fine tuning the physical structure of support we become more aware of our natural postural habits, ways of thinking, resisting and moving and our relationship to gravity.  As this awareness intensifies it brings new light to mind and body awakening our inner wisdom and refines the alignment as we connect  deep within our own center of self.

If you find yourself overworked, over stressed and over fifty, please join us to bring a little balance back into your life. Send us a comment back and let us know how reiki has contributed to balance in your life.