The essence of Tantra philosophy is a varied and wide-ranging panoramic worldview of non- duality. Tantra sees the world as a web of energy and consciousness that includes both the microcosm and the macrocosm all interwoven as a single piece of cloth, intricately bound together. Consciousness, or Shiva, and energy, or Shakti, are like two sides of the same cloth, supporting and strengthening one another, never separate. This relationship can also be thought of as awareness in action.
Tantra on the mat represents this same worldview; on the mat, the individual yogi is aligned and connected with all things. Simply said, we experience the sacred connection that binds us together as the One in the many and the many in the One. When we experience this non- dualistic energetic alignment on our mats, we move through our practice with gratitude, reverence, and respect for the sacredness of all things. We begin to stretch our minds beyond our separate senses of self and look deeply into our inter-beingness with all.
Seeing in this light, we can begin to move in new and different multidimensional ways. Layering aspects of meditation, mudras, and seed mantras, into our practice of Surya Namaskar and Chandra Namaskar we interweave the subtle body aspects of energy together in more consciously meditative ways. Our asana practice become an internal energetic alignment, an awareness in action, a meditation in motion, of mind, body, and spirit in union, or yoga.
For a taste of Tantra flow, please join me for my workshop, “Sun and Moon Tantra Yoga Flow,” Sunday, March 24, 2019, 9 am-12:30 pm, at Yoga East Healing Arts Studio, 827 Broadway, Cape Girardeau, Missouri.
Ja Mai,
Judy Grier RN, LMT, ERYT-500