Gong Yoga Nidra: Deep Relaxation Sound Meditation

Gong Yoga Nidra

Gong Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a guided deep relaxation that relaxes the body into a sleep like state while the mind remains “awake” and aware. Gong Meditation can reset the nervous system to its natural intrinsic state of restful alertness.

Gong Yoga Nidra creates a marriage of meditative low frequency gong tones played in slow rhythmic synchronicity with guided meditation for relaxation.

The voice of the guided Yoga Nidra engages the left logical side of the brain while the low frequency sounds from the gong stimulate the creative expressive right side of the brain. The two together create a “Sonic Synergy” that is multidimensional and transformational .

I hope you can join me for this Gong Nidra. Register here now.


Gentle Slow Flow Yoga

It’s a good time to begin a yoga practice. Or begin again, if you use to practice yoga and have drifted a little off the path. It’s a new year so maybe you have intentions like me, and new hopes for more self care this year and less stress.

Gentle Yoga is the perfect place to start. It is a slow flow that allows for each person to take the time to unwind the body and the mind. It is relaxing but also energizing at the same.

In gentle yoga, the movement is a slow flowing mindful movement linked with breath,. We move dynamically in and out of posture repeatedly and enter into the postures gradually. This slow flow allows you to explore your pain-free range of motion so you can come safely and comfortably into the pose, depending on what’s right for your body on any given day.

Dynamic gentle yoga postures protects and nurtures the joints, muscles, and connective tissue while strengthening our core functional muscles, supporting better balance and deeper awareness of our body/mind awareness.

We have a weekly ongoing class. You may drop in anytime, space permitting and practice with us. My teaching is dedicated to inspire self care and mind body awareness. We welcome all to this community based yoga practice. Hope to see you soon.


Judy Grier E-RTY 500 Professional Level Kripalu Yoga Teacher

Grace & Gratitude Sound Bath

Once a month we come together in community to share some positive vibes in our group sound bath at The Center for Massage Therapy & Sound Healing. It gives us the opportunity to gather and share together in self care, deep relaxation sound meditation, and friendship. A sound sangha is a sacred space for deep listening to the symphony of life, a place of harmony to resonate with like minds, and a place to find space for yourself, just to breathe and relax.

In November we combine the powerful practice of Gratitude for all things great and small into our sound scape. Playing with tones that resonate with the heart chakra, we will create spaciousness within the heart, create cardiac coherence between mind and body, as we breathe into grace and gratitude. I hope you can join us. https://www.judygrier.com/event/i-am-grateful-sound-bath/

In gratitude for all


Together we just keep moving forward

I wanted to announce my business The Center for Massage Therapy & Sound Healing has moved to a new location, 125 Broadview ST # 3, in the heart of Cape Girardeau, Missouri . Adapting to change is never easy, but it is a constant part of life. By simply watching our in breath and our out breath we notice that no two breaths are the same. Life is a dynamic dance of receiving and releasing.

Releasing our Bellevue Space was a difficult choice as it has served our local community as an anchor for massage, meditation and sound healing for many years. Now is the right time for letting go. The Fall season teaches us that everything has its own time and season and letting go can be beautiful.

As I look forward, I see a community of people coming together in a new intimate gathering space for the practice of meditation, movement, massage and sound therapy. I am so grateful for each and every one of you who has supported my practice for many years. It is my profound pleasure to be able to continue to serve our local health and wellness community here in Cape Girardeau.

Together we are better. Together we just keep moving forward. Adapting to change with resilience, reflection and purpose. We plan to be open by October 15th 2024 in the new space. Stay tuned for new things to come.


Group Class Room

New Moon Reiki & Earth Day


Greeting to ALL beings. Happy New Moon and Earth Day week. We are so blessed to have this time to remember all things have both dark and light and they are equally essential in creating sustainable energy. As we also acknowledge the essence of Earth Day this week we are reminded of the Great Mother Energy in all things that nourishes and nurtures us. The Earth energy not only feeds or bodies it feeds our soul. It provides us with a deep connection to something much more vast and greater than ourselves. It humbles us with its beauty, bounty, and resilience in the face of so many trials and tribulations. We can rest easy knowing that same energy sustains us that sustains heaven and earth itself. All of creation and all of its creatures are one. We are made from the same elements as star dust and have a light within that shines just as bright.

This week plant a seed of new intention for yourself deep in the Earth energy. Water it with loving kindness and self compassion. Nurture it with Light and Laughter. Have faith it will grow, blossom and be a beautiful breathtaking thing in the garden of your life. Practice earth energy this week by affirming your root chakra. I am grounded. I am centered. I am full of abundance. I am safe. I am protected. I am well. Practice Walking Meditation outside every day for a short period of time barefoot in the grass if possibly. Stay grounded and bloom where you are planted.

Peace Light and Love


Kriplau Yoga Home Practice :Back to Basics

Judy Grier Back to the Basics of Kripalu Yoga with Judy Grier.

Dear yoga community the entire world is being stripped down to essential basics.  It’s a time for reflection for all of us to ask ourselves what exactly do we need to thrive not just survive this global health crisis. Our yoga practice teaches us philosophically that everything we need is inside us and we are inherently interconnected with all others. Kripalu Yoga has always emphasized the teacher within, the “wisdom of the body” the Divine intelligence of Prana or energy that flows through all life.

At this time when we find our lives and daily routines most disrupted by social distancing and staying home we miss the unity of community from our local yoga studios. Guru Dev always said, “Of all the gifts we receive from Yoga and they are many, the gift of community may be the greatest of all.”  So how do we stay connected while apart? Many yoga teachers and students are choosing from online video options such as Zoom or U-Tube to offer classes. I invite to all to seek out the support of your sangha in this way. In addition to practings online with teachers, I encourage all of you to also seek out the solace of Self practice at home. Explore the wisdom of your body. Trust your inner teacher and learn to be guided from within. Empower yourself.   ALL yogis should have both an individual home self guided practice as well as a group guided practice with a teacher.  Each are unique experiences meant to enhance, support and inform one another. As we explore our way through this time of awakening each of us will ultimately find what practices works best for us individuals.

As a Kripalu Yoga teacher for over twenty years I know my intention is to always support individuals in their quest for personal transformation. An excellent guide can only take you so far. Then it’s up to you.

The mind creates the abyss the heart crosses. _ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Move out of the mind stuff. Calm the chitta. Cross over.  Follow your heart. Let love guide you. Be present in the stillness. Move deeper. Trust the process. This is the transformational power of Yoga to connect you to Higher Self or Universals Consciousness or “Big Mind” as Eric Shiffman likes to call it. When we reside in this heart of practice we become one with ALL.

Today just begin with 5 minutes of self guided practice. Here is a simple pose to get you started. Just breath, relax, feel, watch and allow.

Deep Breath, Pause, Reflect

Mindfulness Meditation

At times like this we sometimes feel at a loss for what to do, how to respond, or how to take care of ourselves, our friends and loved ones. Things seem surreal and uncertain. But one thing we can all be certain of is the practice of  yoga and meditation helps us all build more resiliency. Swami Muktananda once said, “A yogi is someone who can turn every circumstance to his advantage.” That is the very essence of the meaning of resiliency, to be able to withstand and or recover quickly from difficult conditions. This is why we challenge ourselve on the mat so when life throws a big curve ball at us we can still may a good swing at it.

I am are so grateful for the practice of yoga and meditation in my life, for our local and online yogacommunity, for the opportunity to be of service in some small way. Throughout the next few weeks I will be posting a short yoga practice or meditation practice on The Wellness Spa Facebook page for you to listen to or view and practice at home. I am also offering individual online yoga sessions at home with clients through Skype or Face Time video calls.

But for today lets all practice a little Metta or Loving Kindness Meditation. You may download and or listen to the podcast here.


May I feel safe and protected.

May I feel contented and pleased

May my mind and body be healthy and strong

May my life unfold peacfully and at ease.

And so it is.
