At times like this we sometimes feel at a loss for what to do, how to respond, or how to take care of ourselves, our friends and loved ones. Things seem surreal and uncertain. But one thing we can all be certain of is the practice of yoga and meditation helps us all build more resiliency. Swami Muktananda once said, “A yogi is someone who can turn every circumstance to his advantage.” That is the very essence of the meaning of resiliency, to be able to withstand and or recover quickly from difficult conditions. This is why we challenge ourselve on the mat so when life throws a big curve ball at us we can still may a good swing at it.
I am are so grateful for the practice of yoga and meditation in my life, for our local and online yogacommunity, for the opportunity to be of service in some small way. Throughout the next few weeks I will be posting a short yoga practice or meditation practice on The Wellness Spa Facebook page for you to listen to or view and practice at home. I am also offering individual online yoga sessions at home with clients through Skype or Face Time video calls.
But for today lets all practice a little Metta or Loving Kindness Meditation. You may download and or listen to the podcast here.
May I feel safe and protected.
May I feel contented and pleased
May my mind and body be healthy and strong
May my life unfold peacfully and at ease.
And so it is.