Events and Workshops

Where ever you are on your path to health and wholeness, welcome to our Sangha. Regardless if your a beginner, new to yoga, meditation and self care or a seasoned yoga teacher, I’m excited to share my passion for yoga, sound meditation, and bodywork with you.

I offer a variety of ongoing online and in person group classes, workshops, and private consultations for yoga, sound meditation, and Reiki therapy. Please click on my events page for upcoming offerings. Thank you visiting our site.


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Reiki Resonance: chakra balance

April 9 @ 5:30 pm 6:30 pm

It’s all energy! Reiki therapy using intention and universal energy to relax and renew mind and body. When combined with vibrational essence and sound it creates a deep sense of inner harmony and well being.

Singing bowls and sound healing instruments are used in a circle of sound around close to or on the participants body along with light touch energy work Group size is consciously limited and early registration is suggested. 

This singing bowl sound therapy class is contraindicated for anyone with a seizure disorder. heart arrhythmia, or pregnancy less than 20 weeks. 

Fee – 29.00 per session

Group Sound Event Registration

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Group sound bath registeration

Group Sound Bath

Note: Sound healing with crystal or himalyan bowls may be contraindicated for person with a pace maker, metal rods inserts, epilepsy and or history of seizure /neurological disorders. Please let your therapist know if you have any of these health related issues prior to your sound healing session or attending a sound bath.