New Moon Reiki & Earth Day


Greeting to ALL beings. Happy New Moon and Earth Day week. We are so blessed to have this time to remember all things have both dark and light and they are equally essential in creating sustainable energy. As we also acknowledge the essence of Earth Day this week we are reminded of the Great Mother Energy in all things that nourishes and nurtures us. The Earth energy not only feeds or bodies it feeds our soul. It provides us with a deep connection to something much more vast and greater than ourselves. It humbles us with its beauty, bounty, and resilience in the face of so many trials and tribulations. We can rest easy knowing that same energy sustains us that sustains heaven and earth itself. All of creation and all of its creatures are one. We are made from the same elements as star dust and have a light within that shines just as bright.

This week plant a seed of new intention for yourself deep in the Earth energy. Water it with loving kindness and self compassion. Nurture it with Light and Laughter. Have faith it will grow, blossom and be a beautiful breathtaking thing in the garden of your life. Practice earth energy this week by affirming your root chakra. I am grounded. I am centered. I am full of abundance. I am safe. I am protected. I am well. Practice Walking Meditation outside every day for a short period of time barefoot in the grass if possibly. Stay grounded and bloom where you are planted.

Peace Light and Love


Kriplau Yoga Home Practice :Back to Basics

Judy Grier Back to the Basics of Kripalu Yoga with Judy Grier.

Dear yoga community the entire world is being stripped down to essential basics.  It’s a time for reflection for all of us to ask ourselves what exactly do we need to thrive not just survive this global health crisis. Our yoga practice teaches us philosophically that everything we need is inside us and we are inherently interconnected with all others. Kripalu Yoga has always emphasized the teacher within, the “wisdom of the body” the Divine intelligence of Prana or energy that flows through all life.

At this time when we find our lives and daily routines most disrupted by social distancing and staying home we miss the unity of community from our local yoga studios. Guru Dev always said, “Of all the gifts we receive from Yoga and they are many, the gift of community may be the greatest of all.”  So how do we stay connected while apart? Many yoga teachers and students are choosing from online video options such as Zoom or U-Tube to offer classes. I invite to all to seek out the support of your sangha in this way. In addition to practings online with teachers, I encourage all of you to also seek out the solace of Self practice at home. Explore the wisdom of your body. Trust your inner teacher and learn to be guided from within. Empower yourself.   ALL yogis should have both an individual home self guided practice as well as a group guided practice with a teacher.  Each are unique experiences meant to enhance, support and inform one another. As we explore our way through this time of awakening each of us will ultimately find what practices works best for us individuals.

As a Kripalu Yoga teacher for over twenty years I know my intention is to always support individuals in their quest for personal transformation. An excellent guide can only take you so far. Then it’s up to you.

The mind creates the abyss the heart crosses. _ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Move out of the mind stuff. Calm the chitta. Cross over.  Follow your heart. Let love guide you. Be present in the stillness. Move deeper. Trust the process. This is the transformational power of Yoga to connect you to Higher Self or Universals Consciousness or “Big Mind” as Eric Shiffman likes to call it. When we reside in this heart of practice we become one with ALL.

Today just begin with 5 minutes of self guided practice. Here is a simple pose to get you started. Just breath, relax, feel, watch and allow.

Deep Breath, Pause, Reflect

Mindfulness Meditation

At times like this we sometimes feel at a loss for what to do, how to respond, or how to take care of ourselves, our friends and loved ones. Things seem surreal and uncertain. But one thing we can all be certain of is the practice of  yoga and meditation helps us all build more resiliency. Swami Muktananda once said, “A yogi is someone who can turn every circumstance to his advantage.” That is the very essence of the meaning of resiliency, to be able to withstand and or recover quickly from difficult conditions. This is why we challenge ourselve on the mat so when life throws a big curve ball at us we can still may a good swing at it.

I am are so grateful for the practice of yoga and meditation in my life, for our local and online yogacommunity, for the opportunity to be of service in some small way. Throughout the next few weeks I will be posting a short yoga practice or meditation practice on The Wellness Spa Facebook page for you to listen to or view and practice at home. I am also offering individual online yoga sessions at home with clients through Skype or Face Time video calls.

But for today lets all practice a little Metta or Loving Kindness Meditation. You may download and or listen to the podcast here.


May I feel safe and protected.

May I feel contented and pleased

May my mind and body be healthy and strong

May my life unfold peacfully and at ease.

And so it is.


Plant Based Potluck

     Codie Jascor Holistic Nutrition Coach

Plant Based Potluck! When two amazing things meet, healthy food and community! What could be better!? Let’s get together to share an amazing healthy feast and one another’s company. Plant based eating is all the talk these days, and with our culture shifting more towards a plant based diet we all have a million questions on “what does plant based even mean, and is this right for me!?”

Science is now showing evidence on how shifting the focus of our diet towards more plants and less meat can be beneficial in so many ways. Not only is this beneficial for our bodies, it is beneficial for our wonderful planet. We will dive into detail on all of this and more during our potluck. Come with questions, a wonderful dish to share, your own plate(old metal pie pans work well), spoon, and water bottle or cup! (seriously we won’t be providing any plastic or styrofoam) Leave with a full belly, a full heart, new friends, and new information! Please join us on this lovely endeavor, bringing together community, all in the name of health and wellness, Sunday February16th, 4pm The Wellness Spa, 345 Daisy Street Jackson Missouri. Parking lot and entrance behind the building.Not sure what to bring here are some simple plant based receipes you could try.

2020 Transitions

A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination to be herself and only herself.”
~ Maya Angelou

 I am writing on the first full moon of the new decade. It is always a special time at the beginning of each new year. This 2020 new year full moon is palpating with excitement, potential and promise of new and creative endeavors.
River City Reiki has started the new year with a new home at The Wellness Spa in Jackson MO. I am fortunate to share this amazing new space with other practitioners in massage therapy, reflexology, nutritional counseling, esthetics , and yoga teachers. Our individual businesses support our collective consciousness to provide opportunity for education guidance and support in mind body holistic health therapies that support self care and Women’s Wellness.
The Wellness Spa
On a personal note I would like to thank all of you for your support and encouragement for my own wellness as I continue to recover from recent shoulder injury. Every health issue is really an opportunity to learn more about life, self care, recovery, renewal and regeneration. Life is cyclic not static. Health or well being is not a place we simply arrive at in our life but a consistent way moving forward one step at a time. A few steps forward, a few steps back in a dynamic dance we call life.  It’s a journey, and we are all pilgrims making our way back to wholeness.
I would love to have you visit me at The Wellness Spa. Have a cup of tea, take a wellness class, or have a massage. Hopefully you will find a place there to carve out a few moments of quite time to reflect about the amazing wonderful human being you are and the beauty of life all around you.
May you be happy, healthy and at peace. Happy 2020!

Begin with Yin Mini Retreat NYD 2020


NEW YEARS MINI RETREAT Jan 1st 10:30 -12:30

Judy Grier RN, LMT, E-RYT 500 Shakti and Free Yoga Studio

Yin Yoga targets the connective tissues of the hips, pelvis, and lower spine.

Suitable for all levels Yin Yoga activates specific “energy lines” called meridians, in the body that promote wellness to various organs, glands and tissues of the body as well as promoting mental and emotional balance. In this workshop we will explore the Liver and Gall Bladder Line with a focus on mind/body detox as we head into 2020. We will explore the Yin Side of our New Years samkalpa or resolutions with mindfulness of accepting, allowing and acknowledging the beauty of the present moment. Join us for detoxing and letting go and awakening to beauty within. Register for the mini retreat