When nature calls

Traveling in the bus in India is a constant adventure full of new sights, sounds, smells and all manner if sensory experience. Everyone drives here by the grace of God alone. No stop signs, lights, etc. You just blow the horn which means “get out of the way or I’ll run over you.” They merge into little roundabouts. Camels, oxen, bicycles, motorcycles, horses, buses. If it moves it’s in the stream of traffic carrying everyone it could possible hold.

Now on a 12 hour bus ride there will have to be multiple stops to accommodate the many needs to our group. Bathrooms are practically non- existent and still nature calls. We take on the local habits and pee roadside. What a spectacle we are. Women all in rows, we use our shawls, blankets etc., to provide some sense of modesty for one another.

Somehow it is incredibly freeing to be so close to the natural world. I’m reminded to Dr. Olyes’ prescription for good health written in the 1900’s-
“Eat when you’re hungry, sleep when you are tired, when nature calls answer, and NEVER think of anything else when making love.”

Here’s to your good health!

Are you feeling lucky?

Luck is something that occurs to us by chance not necessarily something we do. It just happens, it is bestowed upon us for no apparent reason, just like the grace of God.

The night before I left on my journey to India I played cards with some friends. One of them happened to ask the question “Do you feel lucky? ” Of course he meant will the cards be in my favor, but that simple question stuck in my head, like a song loop playing over and over. I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

It became my meditation for the evening and I began to contemplate WHAT is it exactly that makes me feel soooo lucky. What makes me answer YES! What, By the grace of God and through no doing of my own, is responsible for the success of a life well lived?

It is the simple gift of friendship. I’ve received so many calls, texts, emails this week from all of you wishing me well and I am so touched by your caring and loving kindness.

Friendship is a Divine gift to one another, an expression of our faith in the goodness of our human nature. It asks nothing and gives everything. It loves unconditionally and encourages and supports us all on our life’s journey.
Do you feel lucky?


Life is busy, lets face it.

Life is busy, lets face it. Stress has become so common place that we aren’t even aware of how much stress is present in our every daily lives any more. Yoga can help us to remember to take a deep breath, step back, and just relax for a bit. Even a few moments a day can bring great benefits. Just like stress, relaxation is also cumulative and can bring balance to our body in  stressful times.  Less stress, more bliss. That’s  my mantra for 2012.

Tell us how  yoga helps you unwind?