Judy Grier RN, LMT, E-RYT 500
Thank you for visiting my web page. I want to share a little bit about my experince in health and wellness. My journey started many years ago in Nashville TN. While working as a nurse at Vanderbilt Medical Center I had the good fortune to become part of the local holistic nurses association. I had alwasy been interested in alternative and complimetary modalities since my early nursing days. I had also sustained a significant injury with chronic pain that motivated me to find ways for slef healing. I learned about Reiki and Healing Touch, meditation and yoga as ways to enhance my personel health and wellness.
From there I received a 500 hour massage therapy certification from The Natural Health Institute in Nashville and went on to become one of their lead massage therpy instructors from 1999-2005. I have additional study and training in Thai Yoga Massage Therapy from Saul David Raye, and Sonic Massage & Sound Healing training from Patti Pelleritio at the Center of Sound. I have created my own unique blend called Synergy Sound Work ™ that combines energy work + sound healing together with several energy based techniques such as Reiki, Reflexology, and Restorative Yoga.
My yoga and meditation background come from the Kriplau Institute in Lenox Massachuettes. I received both my 200 and 500 hour professional yoga teacher trainging programs there. I have taught over 6000 hours of class room instruction in the past 30 years. I have owned and operated a thriving yoga studio, a 200 hour yoga teacher training program, and taught and practiced yoga with many teachers.
My meditation background comes from a variety of traditions including Kripalu style meditation, tantric mantra meditation, metta mediation, and mindfulness meditation. I have had the opportuity to take courses with Steve Cope, Sharon Salzberg, Thich Nhat Hanh, and Pandit Rajmani Tigunait.
Yoga, meditation and massage have been an ongoing practice and integral part of my lifestyle for the past thirty years. I continue to be an active student as well as teacher and love exploring the journey within. My yoga, meditation and massage emphasis mainly comes from extensive study in the eastern energy traditions of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Thai Bodywork, Traditional Japanes Usui Reiki, Tibetan Himalayan applied acoustic therapy of singing bowls, self discovery, personal inquiry , and connecting mind, body and heart through years of subtle body practices.
Judy Grier RN, LMT, E-RTY 500, Sound Healing Practitioner
Connect with her now @ https://www.judygrier.com/contact-us
